Data Commons line chart Web Component

Data Commons Web Component for visualizing one or more statistical variables about a number of places as a line chart.


  places="place_dcid_1 place_dcid_2"
  variables="var_dcid_1 var_dcid_2"
  header="Chart title"
  variables="var_dcid_1 var_dcid_2"
  header="Chart title"



Name Type Description
childPlaceType string Child place types to plot. Example: State. For a list of available place types, see the place types page.
Optional if places is specified.
header string Chart title.
parentPlace string Parent place DCID to plot. Example: country/USA.
Optional if places is specified.
places list Places DCIDs to plot, as a space separated list of strings. Example: "geoId/12 geoId/13".
Optional if childPlaceType and parentPlace are specified.
variables list Variable DCID(s) to plot, as a space separated list of strings. Example: "Count_Person Count_Farm".


Name Type Description
colors list Specify custom color for each variable. Pass in colors in the same order as variables.

Values should follow CSS specification (keywords, rgb, rgba, hsl, #hex). Separate multiple values with spaces, e.g., "#ff0000 #00ff00 #0000ff". Make sure individual colors have no spaces. For example, use rgba(255,0,0,0.3) instead of rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3).
timeScale string One of "year", "month", or "day". If provided, the x-axis will draw a tick mark and label at that time scale.

Advanced Configuration

Name Type Description
apiRoot string Domain to make data fetch API calls from. Used primarily for fetching data from custom DCs.

defaultVariableName string To be used with variableNameRegex. If specified and no variable name is extracted out with the regex, use this as the variable name. e.g., if the variableNameRegex is “(.*?)(?=:)”, and the defaultVariableName is “Total”, for a variable named “variable 1”, it will become “Total”.
placeNameProp string Optionally specify the property to use to get the place names.
showExploreMore boolean Include to show “Explore more” link in the footer, which takes the user to’s visualization tools.
variableNameRegex string Optionally specify regex to use to extract out variable name. e.g., if the variableNameRegex is “(.*?)(?=:)”, only the part before a “:” will be used for variable names. So “variable 1: test” will become “variable 1”.


Example 1: Plot a single variable over time for a single place

Show the number of people under poverty level in the US over time.


  header="Population Below Poverty Level Status in United States"

Example 2: Plot a single variable over time for multiple places


  header="Population for USA, India, and China"
  places="country/USA country/IND country/CHN"

Example 3: Plot a single variable for all child places in a parent place

Show population for all counties in Alaska, USA.


  header="Population of counties in Alaska"

Example 4: Plot multiple variables for a single place

Show number of households without internet and number of households without health insurance for California, USA.


  header="Population by gender of California"
  variables="Count_Household_InternetWithoutSubscription Count_Household_NoHealthInsurance"

Page last updated: March 27, 2025 • Send feedback about this page