
Data Commons represents node relations as directed edges between nodes, or properties. The name of the property is a label, while the value of the property may be a connected node. The Node API returns the property labels and values that are connected to the queried node. This is useful for finding local connections between nodes of the Data Commons knowledge graph.

More specifically, this API can perform the following tasks:

  • Get all property labels associated with individual or multiple nodes.
  • Get the values of a property for individual or multiple nodes. These can also be chained for multiple hops in the graph.
  • Get all connected nodes that are linked with individual or multiple nodes.


URL: https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node Header: X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI JSON data: { "nodes": [ "NODE_DCID_1", "NODE_DCID_2", ... ], "property": "RELATION_EXPRESSION" }

Query parameters

Name Type Description
string Your API key. See the section on authentication for details.
list of strings List of the DCIDs of the nodes to query.
string Property to query, represented with symbols including arrow notation. For more details, see relation expressions. By using different property parameters, you can query node information in different ways, such as getting the edges and neighboring node values. Examples below show how to request this information for one or multiple nodes.


The response looks like:

  "data": {
    "NODE_DCID": {
      "arcs": {
        "LABEL": {
          "nodes": [
      "properties": [
  "nextToken": "TOKEN_STRING"

Response fields

Name Type Description
data object Data of the property label and value information, keyed by the queried nodes
nextToken string A token used to query next page of data


Example 1: Get all property labels for a given node

Get all (incoming arc) property labels of the node with DCID geoId/06 (California) by querying all properties with the <- symbol. This returns just the property labels but not the property values.


nodes: "geoId/06"
property: "<-"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["geoId/06"], "property": "<-"}'


  "data": {
    "geoId/06": {
      "properties": [

Example 2: Get one property value for a given node

Get a name property for a given node with DCID dc/03lw9rhpendw5 by querying the ->name symbol.


nodes: "dc/03lw9rhpendw5"
property: "->name"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["dc/03lw9rhpendw5"], "property": "->name"}'


  "data": {
    "dc/03lw9rhpendw5": {
      "arcs": {
        "name": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860",
              "value": "191 Peachtree Tower"
nodes: "country/USA"
property: "<-containedInPlace+{typeOf:State}"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["country/USA"], "property": "<-containedInPlace+{typeOf:State}"}'


   "data" : {
      "country/USA" : {
         "arcs" : {
            "containedInPlace+" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "dcid" : "geoId/01",
                     "name" : "Alabama"
                     "dcid" : "geoId/02",
                     "name" : "Alaska"
                     "dcid" : "geoId/04",
                     "name" : "Arizona"
                     "dcid" : "geoId/05",
                     "name" : "Arkansas"
                     "dcid" : "geoId/06",
                     "name" : "California"
                     "dcid" : "geoId/08",
                     "name" : "Colorado"
                     "dcid" : "geoId/09",
                     "name" : "Connecticut"

Example 4: Get multiple property values for multiple nodes

Get name, latitude, and longitude values for several nodes: geoId/06085 and geoId/06087. Note that multiple properties for a given node must be enclosed in square brackets [].


nodes: "geoId/06085", "geoId/06087"
property: "->[name, latitude, longitude]"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["geoId/06085", "geoId/06087"], "property": "->[name, latitude, longitude]"}'


   "data" : {
      "geoId/06085" : {
         "arcs" : {
            "latitude" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "37.221614"
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "37.36"
            "longitude" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "-121.68954"
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "-121.97"
            "name" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "Santa Clara County"
      "geoId/06087" : {
         "arcs" : {
            "latitude" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "37.012347"
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "37.03"
            "longitude" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "-122.007789"
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "-122.01"
            "name" : {
               "nodes" : [
                     "provenanceId" : "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
                     "value" : "Santa Cruz County"

Example 5: Get all property values for a node

Get all the property labels and values (incoming arcs) for node PowerPlant, using <-*. Note that, unlike example 1, this query returns the actual property values, not just their labels.

Also note that the response contains a nextToken, so to get all the data, you need to send additional requests with continuation tokens, until no nextToken is returned.


nodes: "PowerPlant"
property: "<-*"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["PowerPlant"], "property": "<-*"}'


  "data": {
    "PowerPlant": {
      "arcs": {
        "subClassOf": {
          "nodes": [
              "name": "PowerPlantUnit",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "PowerPlantUnit",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
        "subClassOf" : {
          "nodes" : [
              "dcid" : "PowerPlantUnit",
              "name" : "PowerPlantUnit",
              "provenanceId" : "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types" : [
        "typeOf" : {
          "nodes": [
              "name": "Suzlon Project VIII LLC",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "dc/000qxlm93vn93",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860"
              "name": "NYC-HH - CONEY ISLAND HOSPITAL",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "dc/002x855kf3wv3",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860"
              "name": "Bridgeport Gas Processing Plant",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "dc/0053j61z19gn6",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860"
              "name": "Hennepin Island",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "dc/005r26ht43r1f",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860"
              "name": "Bountiful City",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "dc/006cgl79w0bj9",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860"
           } ...
        "domainIncludes": {
          "nodes": [
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ashImpoundmentStatus",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "co2Mass",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "co2Mass",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "co2Rate",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "co2Rate",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "eiaPlantCode",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "eiaPlantCode",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "types": [
              "dcid": "fercCogenerationDocketNumber",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "types": [
              "dcid": "fercExemptWholesaleGeneratorDocketNumber",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "types": [
              "dcid": "fercSmallPowerProducerDocketNumber",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "types": [
              "dcid": "fercStatus",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
            } ...
  "nextToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAA/0zIMQ6CMBjFcfus9fnpYP4Xs4MXYCgTAUKaEG7PyvqLf0Rd9rbVaZh7lH6s7TdejRtyQhbyHTkjP5AL8hPZyC/kQH6T/fmmEwAA//8BAAD///dHSrJWAAAA"

Example 6: Get a list of all existing statistical variables

Get all incoming linked nodes of node StatisticalVariable, with the typeof property. Since StatisticalVariable is a top-level entity, or entity type, this effectively gets all statistical variables.

Also note that the response contains a nextToken, so to get all the data, you need to send additional requests with continuation tokens, until no nextToken is returned.


nodes: "StatisticalVariable"
property: "<-typeOf"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["StatisticalVariable"], "property": "<-typeOf"}'


  "data": {
    "StatisticalVariable": {
      "arcs": {
        "typeOf": {
          "nodes": [
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To 1990, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate1990_Max_Temperature",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars"
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To Between 2006 And 2020, Based on RCP 4.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006To2020_Max_Temperature_RCP45",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars"
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To Between 2006 And 2020, Based on RCP 8.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006To2020_Max_Temperature_RCP85",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars"
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To 2006, Based on RCP 4.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006_Max_Temperature_RCP45",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars"
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To 2006, Based on RCP 8.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006_Max_Temperature_RCP85",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars"
  "nextToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAA/2zJsQ6CMBQFUHut9fp0MNcPcyBhf5CSNOlA4C38PT/AfGyx3xAebY82ex99az71aiWOtf6vUTdlpm8SCIF3gVngQ2AR+BRIgS+BJvAt8HMCAAD//wEAAP//522gCWgAAAA="

Example 7: Get a list of all existing entity types

Get all incoming linked nodes of node Class, with the typeof property. Since Class is the top-level entity in the knowledge graph, getting all directly linked nodes effectively gets all entity types.

Also note that the response contains a nextToken, so you need to send additional requests with the continuation tokens to get all the data.


nodes: "Class"
property: "<-typeOf"

GET Request:

curl --request GET --url \

POST Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-API-Key: AIzaSyCTI4Xz-UW_G2Q2RfknhcfdAnTHq5X5XuI" \
  https://api.datacommons.org/v2/node \
  -d '{"nodes": ["Class"], "property": "<-typeOf"}'


  "data": {
    "Class": {
      "arcs": {
        "typeOf": {
          "nodes": [
              "name": "ACLGroup",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ACLGroup",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "ACSEDChild",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ACSEDChild",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "ACSEDParent",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ACSEDParent",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "APIReference",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "APIReference",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "AboutPage",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AboutPage",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "AcademicAssessmentEvent",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AcademicAssessmentEvent",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "AcademicAssessmentTypeEnum",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AcademicAssessmentTypeEnum",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "AcceptAction",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AcceptAction",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "Accommodation",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "Accommodation",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "AccountingService",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AccountingService",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "AchieveAction",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AchieveAction",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "Action",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "Action",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "ActionStatusType",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ActionStatusType",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
              "name": "ActivateAction",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ActivateAction",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema"
  "nextToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAA/yzHsQ5EQBiF0Z27O7PXTyFf5X20Es+goFJIRuPtRaI7J6bI477UGuW8jnXe3vKhOPVp+CEL+Yv8OCMX5D+ykRvkQG6RuxsAAP//AQAA//8tG+Q2TgAAAA=="

Page last updated: March 27, 2025 • Send feedback about this page