
Data Commons represents node relations as directed edges between nodes, or properties. The name of the property is a label, while the value of the property may be a connected node. The Node API returns the property labels and values that are connected to the queried node. This is useful for finding connections between nodes of the Data Commons knowledge graph.

More specifically, this API can perform the following tasks:

Request methods

The following are the methods available for this endpoint.

Method Description
fetch Fetch properties (or “arcs”) of specified nodes, by using a relation expression
fetch_property_labels Fetch property labels of specified nodes
fetch_property_values Fetch values of specified nodes and properties
fetch_all_classes Fetch the DCIDs and other properties of all nodes of Class type. This is useful for listing out all the entity types in the graph.


All request methods return a NodeResponse object. It looks like this:

  "data": {
    "NODE_DCID": {
      "arcs": {
        "LABEL": {
          "nodes": [
      "properties": [
  "nextToken": None

Response fields

Name Type Description
data object Data of the property label and value information, keyed by the queried nodes.
nextToken string A token used to query the next page of data, if all_pages is set to False in the query.

Response property methods

You can call the following methods on the NodeResponse object:

Method Description
to_dict Converts the dataclass to a Python dictionary. See Response formatting for details.
to_json Serializes the dataclass to a JSON string (using json.dumps()). See Response formatting for details.
nextToken Extracts the nextToken value from the response. See Pagination below for more details


Fetches properties (or “arcs”) of specified nodes, by using a relation expression.


fetch(node_dcids, expression, all_pages, next_token)

Input parameters

Name Type Description
string or list of strings List of the DCIDs of the nodes to query.
string A relation expression that specifies the property (or properties.) By using different relations, you can query node information in different ways, such as getting the edges and neighboring node values. Examples below show how to request this information for one or multiple nodes.
bool Whether all data should be sent in the response. Defaults to True. Set to False to return paginated responses. See Pagination for details.
string If all_pages is set to False, set this to the next token returned by the previous response. Defaults to None. See Pagination for details.


Example 1: Get all incoming property labels for a given node

This examples gets all incoming arc property labels, i.e. the property labels of attached nodes, for the node with DCID geoId/06 (California) by querying with the <- symbol. This returns just the property labels but not the property values.


client.node.fetch(node_dcids=["geoId/06"], expression="<-")


  "data": {
    "geoId/06": {
      "properties": [

Example 2: Get one (outgoing) property value for a given node

This example gets the value of the name property for a given node with DCID dc/03lw9rhpendw5 by querying the ->name symbol.


client.node.fetch(node_dcids=["dc/03lw9rhpendw5"], expression="->name")


  "data": {
    "dc/03lw9rhpendw5": {
      "arcs": {
        "name": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860",
              "value": "191 Peachtree Tower"

Example 3: Get a list of all statistical variables

This example gets the list of all statistical variables in the knowledge graph, by fetching all nodes that are types of the class StatisticalVariable and using the <-typeOf symbol to express the incoming relationships. Also, because of the size of the response, it enables pagination to split up the response data into multiple calls.


client.node.fetch(node_dcids=["StatisticalVariable"], expression="<-typeOf", all_pages=False)


  "data": {
    "StatisticalVariable": {
      "arcs": {
        "typeOf": {
          "nodes": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate1990_Max_Temperature",
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To 1990, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006To2020_Max_Temperature_RCP45",
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To Between 2006 And 2020, Based on RCP 4.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006To2020_Max_Temperature_RCP85",
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To Between 2006 And 2020, Based on RCP 8.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006_Max_Temperature_RCP45",
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To 2006, Based on RCP 4.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AggregateMax_MedianAcrossModels_DifferenceRelativeToBaseDate2006_Max_Temperature_RCP85",
              "name": "Max Temperature (Difference Relative To Base Date): Relative To 2006, Based on RCP 8.5, Highest Value, Median Across Models",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/HumanReadableStatVars",
              "types": [
            "nextToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAA/2zJsQ6CMBQFUHut9fp0MNcPcyBhf5CSNOlA4C38PT/AfGyx3xAebY82ex99az71aiWOtf6vUTdlpm8SCIF3gVngQ2AR+BRIgS+BJvAt8HMCAAD//wEAAP//522gCWgAAAA="


Fetches only the labels of properties of specified nodes (or their attached nodes), without using relation expressions. This returns just the property labels but not the property values.


fetch_property_labels(node_dcids, out, all_pages, next_token)

Input parameters

Name Type Description
string or list of strings List of the DCIDs of the nodes to query.
bool Whether the edge is an outgoing (True) or incoming (False) arc. Defaults to outgoing (True).
bool Whether all data should be sent in the response. Defaults to True. Set to False to return paginated responses. See Pagination for details.
string If all_pages is set to False, set this to the next token returned by the previous response. Defaults to None. See Pagination for details.


Example 1: Get all incoming property labels for a given node

Get all incoming arc property labels, i.e. the property labels that are used in attached nodes, of the node with DCID geoId/06 (California) by setting the out parameter to False. This is identical to example 1 of the fetch method.


client.node.fetch_property_labels(node_dcids=["geoId/06"], out=False)


  "data": {
    "geoId/06": {
      "properties": [


Fetches the values of specified properties of specified nodes (or their attached nodes), without using relation expressions.


fetch_property_values(node_dcids, properties, constraints, out, all_pages, next_token)

Input parameters

Name Type Description
string or list of strings List of the DCIDs of the nodes to query.
string or list of strings List of properties to query
string Additional filters, of the form {typeof:PROPERTY}.
bool Whether the edge is an outgoing (True) or incoming (False) arc. Defaults to outgoing (True).
bool Whether all data should be sent in the response. Defaults to True. Set to False to return paginated responses. See Pagination for details.
string If all_pages is set to False, set this to the next token returned by the previous response. Defaults to None. See Pagination for details.


Example 1: Get one (outgoing) property value for a given node

This example gets the name property for a given node with DCID dc/03lw9rhpendw5. This is identical to example 2 of the fetch method.


client.node.fetch_property_values(node_dcids=["dc/03lw9rhpendw5"], properties="name")


  "data": {
    "dc/03lw9rhpendw5": {
      "arcs": {
        "name": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/EIA_860",
              "value": "191 Peachtree Tower"

Example 2: Get multiple (outgoing) property values for multiple nodes

This example gets the name, latitude, and longitude values for nodes geoId/06085 and geoId/06087.


client.node.fetch_property_values(node_dcids=["geoId/06085", "geoId/06087"], properties=["name", "latitude", "longitude"])

Tip: This example is equivalent to client.node.fetch(node_dcids=["geoId/06085", "geoId/06087"], expression="->[name, latitude, longitude]").


  "data": {
    "geoId/06085": {
      "arcs": {
        "name": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "Santa Clara County"
        "latitude": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "37.221614"
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "37.36"
        "longitude": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "-121.68954"
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "-121.97"
    "geoId/06087": {
      "arcs": {
        "name": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "Santa Cruz County"
        "latitude": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "37.012347"
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "37.03"
        "longitude": {
          "nodes": [
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "-122.007789"
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/WikidataOtherIdGeos",
              "value": "-122.01"

Example 3: Get DCIDs of nodes of a specific type, with an incoming relation to a node

In this example, we use a filter expression to specify “all contained places in United States (DCID country/USA) of type State”.


client.node.fetch_property_values(node_dcids=["country/USA"], properties="containedInPlace+{typeOf:State}", out=False)

Tip: This example is equivalent to client.node.fetch(node_dcids="country/USA", expression="<-containedInPlace+{typeOf:State}").


  "data": {
    "country/USA": {
      "arcs": {
        "containedInPlace+": {
          "nodes": [
              "dcid": "geoId/01",
              "name": "Alabama"
              "dcid": "geoId/02",
              "name": "Alaska"
              "dcid": "geoId/04",
              "name": "Arizona"
              "dcid": "geoId/05",
              "name": "Arkansas"
              "dcid": "geoId/06",
              "name": "California"
              "dcid": "geoId/08",
              "name": "Colorado"
              "dcid": "geoId/09",
              "name": "Connecticut"
              "dcid": "geoId/10",
              "name": "Delaware"


Fetches all nodes that are entity types, that is, have Class as their type.


fetch_all_classes(all_pages, next_token)

Input parameters

Name Type Description
bool Whether all data should be sent in the response. Defaults to True. Set to False to return paginated responses. See Pagination for details.
string If all_pages is set to False, set this to the next token returned by the previous response. Defaults to None. See Pagination for details.


Example 1: Fetch all classes, with pagination

This example sets all_pages to get a paginated response with a next_token value.



Tip: This example is equivalent to client.node.fetch(node_dcids="Class", expression="<-typeOf", all_pages=False).


  "data": {
    "Class": {
      "arcs": {
        "typeOf": {
          "nodes": [
              "dcid": "ACLGroup",
              "name": "ACLGroup",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ACSEDChild",
              "name": "ACSEDChild",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "ACSEDParent",
              "name": "ACSEDParent",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "APIReference",
              "name": "APIReference",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AboutPage",
              "name": "AboutPage",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AcademicAssessmentEvent",
              "name": "AcademicAssessmentEvent",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AcademicAssessmentTypeEnum",
              "name": "AcademicAssessmentTypeEnum",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "AcceptAction",
              "name": "AcceptAction",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
              "dcid": "Accommodation",
              "name": "Accommodation",
              "provenanceId": "dc/base/BaseSchema",
              "types": [
  "nextToken": "H4sIAAAAAAAA/yzHMQ5EQBjF8Z23O7PPRyH/yn20EmdQUCkko3F7kSh/MUUe96XWKOd1rPP2kg/FqU9DRhbyF/mH/Lgg/5GN3CAHcovc3QAAAP//AQAA//9hM3KVTgAAAA=="


All endpoint methods return all data in a single response by default. For node requests, which can return huge responses, you can “paginate” the returned payload, that is, split it over multiple requests. To do so, you can set a parameter accepted by all node methods, all_pages, to False. In this case, only a subset of the response is returned, along with a long string of characters called a token. To get the next set of entries, you repeat the request with next_token as a method parameter, with the token previously returned as its value.

For example, this request, which returns all incoming relations for California, returns a very large number of data items and can take several seconds to complete:

response = client.node.fetch(node_dcids="geoId/06", expression="<-*")

To paginate the data, send the first request like this:

response = client.node.fetch(node_dcids="geoId/06", expression="<-*", all_pages=False)

The response will have something like the following at the end:

'nextToken': 'SoME vERY Long STriNG'

You can obtain the value of the response’s nextToken by calling the NodeResponse property nextToken.


To get the next set of entries, repeat the request with the next_token parameter set to the value of the previous response, until there is no nextToken in the response.

while response.nextToken is not None:
   response = client.node.fetch(node_dcids="geoId/06", expression="<-*", all_pages=False, next_token=response.nextToken)

Page last updated: March 27, 2025 • Send feedback about this page