
New Data Download Tool

In the last year, we have added several interesting datasets and exciting new features to Data Commons. One such feature is the new Data Download tool that allows you to easily download statistical variable data for a large number of places with just a few button clicks.

The new data download tool

The Data Commons knowledge graph is huge – there are over 240B data points for over 120K statistical variables. Sometimes, you may want to export just some of this data and use it in a custom tool. We now make that easy to do with the new data download tool. The new tool gives you the data in a csv file, does not require any coding experience to use, and allows you to select the statistical variables, places, and dates that you are interested in.

Maybe you want to explore the population of all the countries in the world (get the data here). Or you want to analyze poverty levels during COVID-19 (get the data here). Or you’re interested in projected temperature differences (relative to 2006) and activities that can be affected by temperature rise (get the data here). The Data Download tool gives you the power to use the data in our knowledge graph to explore all of this and much more in your tool of choice.

As always, we would love to hear from you! Please share your feedback with our team.

Jennifer on behalf of the Data Commons team

Page last updated: February 13, 2025 • Send feedback about this page