Retrieve the values of a given property for a node

Get the members of each cohort provided. Here a cohort is a general term for a group of entities, like the CDC’s list of the United States’ 500 largest cities.

General information about this formula

Formula: =DCCOHORTMEMBERS(dcids)


  • dcids - cohort DCIDs whose members are sought. Here a DCID refers to the unique ID assigned by Data Commons to every node in the knowledge graph.


The DCIDs of the cohort members. For a single DCID, the result is a column of members of the cohort represented by that DCID. For a row of DCIDs, the result is a matrix with each column the members of the cohort whose DCID serves as the column’s index. For a column of DCIDs, the result is a matrix with each row the members of the cohort whose DCID serves as the row’s index.


This example uses the DCCOHORTMEMBERS method to retrieve the members of the CDC500_City cohort. Before trying this method out, make sure to follow the setup directions in the main section for Sheets docs.


Output (truncated)